ID : 45098

Fasting – cutting carbs – high intensity training


 (Chốt giá)

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Loại tin : Cần bán
Tình trạng : Cao cấp
Ho-tro-them :không

Fasting – cutting carbs – high intensity training 


Are you looking for a perfect – economical – safe weight loss solution! 

DON’T WORRY ! With a noble mission, PANORAMA SLIM will help you do it right away. PANORAMA SLIM is a food that supports weight loss for both Men and Women, people at risk of obesity or sedentary lifestyle and accumulate a lot of excess fat. With 100% natural extracts, it helps accelerate the body’s metabolism, increase metabolism and burn excess fat naturally, bringing outstanding weight loss results.


This food is not a medicine and does not replace medicine. 

Do not use for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

People with diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, people who are sensitive to any ingredient of the product.

Commit to losing 3-5 kg ​​immediately if you follow the instructions and instructions from Panorama along with your diet, lifestyle, and proper exercise and sports activities

All of our products are transparent and clearly note the expiration date (within 12 to 24 months) from the date of manufacture. “DON’T FORCE YOURSELF, LIVE HEALTHY WITH PANORAMA SLIM” 

📩 Contact us now for a free consultation and buy directly with many promotions

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